Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How I feel after I stopped drinking carbonated drinks.

I have tried a few times before to stop drinking pop (or soda if you pronounce it wrong 😃) It would last a month or so and sometimes maybe just a few days before I would give in and drink a can of coke. But this time around I finally put my foot down and said NO MORE. 

As of today I went 114 days without drinking any pop. And to be honest, I do not miss it one bit. I am sure my body is thanking me for it. For a while I would get headaches because my body was craving the sugar, but that did not take long for those to go away. I can imagine that if I was still drinking pop I would weigh quite a bit more than I do now. It takes a fair amount of exercise to burn off the calories consumed from one pop and I would have 4 or 5 a day. 

I am also trying to cut out added sugars that are in other food items also. That seems to be a bit more of a challenge because sugar is hidden in just about everything nowadays. But I am always looking at nutrition labels. 

It's a work in progress but all of this is getting easier each day. 

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