Monday, January 9, 2017

My workout and meals for 1/9/17

My routine is pretty strict during the weekdays. I get up right before 4am and I get in a 30-40 minute workout. Today I did a combination of High intensity Interval Training or HIIT which was about 15 minutes. Then I did 10 minutes focusing on my abs. With a warm up and cool down in coming in at just about 35 minutes.

After I have worked out I usually have a protein shake and a piece of fruit.
After I take my son to school, I will typically go for a walk. Today I walked 7 miles.

A little over 4 years ago I bought a Fitbit pedometer to keep track of all my walking. As of writing this I have walked over 15,000,000 steps or around 7500 miles. I love having a Fitbit because I am a numbers person and I love to know how far I have gone.

After I have walked I will typically eat something. Lately I have been eating a lot of eggs. So I will have maybe 3 eggs and an apple or some other type of fruit. By lunchtime I am not usually that hungry, so I will just have a small snack.  Tonight for supper I had some chicken with brown rice and also some brown rice noodles.

I am trying really hard to keep myself focused and on track with my eating. So far it seems to be working great. 

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